sabato 6 febbraio 2016

    Made in italy ..

    The Italian has a artistica..difficilmente manual imitable
    When you exit the series production .... it takes skill .... and 'the state with blindness' absolute is' destroying this resource ..

    In an article-interview written by Enrico Deaglio, Edward Luttwak, of the most famous American political scientists, is about a freed Sicily from Italy. With functioning ports. And with a hub to be built in Enna. "The island will not be governed more by the Mafia, politics, by Calogero Sedar, but by the true Sicilian, including nobles, such as the time of Frederick II. And again astonish the world "... - Julius Ambrosetti
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    european social bank (esb)

    Shared publicly   -   January 31, 2016
    Where does the 26% of GDP?
    The percentage of social spending in relation to gross product, in fact, has increased from 2007 to 2010, passing from 26.6% to 29.9%.? The only money that sees a pauper., Are 400/500 Euros a year .. ,, that passes the social service of the municipality ...
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    european social bank (esb)

    Shared publicly   -   January 31, 2016
    It also divided them pretty well here 10 euro 5 euro the '50 cents to old ........
    to give 500 euro per unemployed person takes 18 billion .... and he allocates 800 million ....

    Shared publicly   -   January 30, 2016
    Who is the world's political leaders as a liar of 2015? - Greenreport: ecological and sustainable development economics Who is the world's political leaders as a liar of 2015 ?.Surprises and confirmations of a year in the q ...
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    Merkel "the Jobs Act is moving in the right direction" angelina .. .., you know that with the act there is not the job ,,, 
    give prestito..per buy German cars?.
    "We need more Europe." He said German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the press conference after the meeting at the chancellery in Berlin with
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    european social bank (esb)

    Shared publicly   -   January 31, 2016
    This and 'the welfare serving Italian left .... think right !!
    to give 500 euro per unemployed person takes 18 billion .... and he allocates 800 million ....

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    Photos of the european social bank profile (esb)
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    european social bank (esb)

    Shared publicly   -   January 30, 2016

    Who is the political leader of the world's most liar 2015? - Greenreport: ecological economics and sustainable development Who is the political leader of the world's most liar 2015?. Surprises and unsupported ...




    Assistance and social justice ..? .... But if until now you did exactly the opposite!? 
    Social justice?., You have to go all in jail?


    Made in italy..

    L'italiano ha una manualità artistica..difficilmente imitabile
    Quando si esce dalla produzione in vuole maestria....e' lo stato con cecita' assoluta  sta' distruggendo questa risorsa..

    In un articolo-intervista a firma di Enrico Deaglio, Edward Luttwak, tra i più noti politologi americani, parla di una Sicilia liberata dall’Italia. Con i porti funzionanti. E con un hub da realizzare a Enna. “L’Isola non sarà governata più dalla mafia, dalla politica, dai Calogero Sedara, ma dai siciliani veri, compresi i nobili, come ai tempi di Federico II. E di nuovo stupirà il mondo”… - di Giulio Ambrosetti
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    european social bank (esb)

    Condiviso pubblicamente  -  31 gen 2016
    Dove finisce questo 26% di pil ?
    La percentuale della spesa sociale rispetto al Prodotto lordo, in realtà, è aumentata dal 2007 al 2010 passando dal 26,6% al 29,9%.? Gli unici soldi che vede un povero., sono 400/500 euro l'anno..,,che gli passa il servizio sociale del comune...
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    european social bank (esb)

    Condiviso pubblicamente  -  31 gen 2016
    li ha pure divisi per benino  10 euro qua 5 euro la'   50 centesimi ai vecchi........
    Condiviso pubblicamente  -  30 gen 2016
    Chi è il leader politico mondiale più bugiardo del 2015? - Greenreport: economia ecologica e sviluppo sostenibile Chi è il leader politico mondiale più bugiardo del 2015?. Sorprese e conferme di un anno nel q...
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    Merkel «il Jobs Act si muove nella direzione giusta»..angelina.., lo sai che con il job act,,, non c'è lo 
    danno il prestito..per comprare le auto tedesche ?. 
    «C’è bisogno di più Europa». Lo ha detto la cancelliera tedesca Angela Merkel in conferenza stampa al termine dell’incontro in cancelleria a Berlino con il
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    european social bank (esb)

    Condiviso pubblicamente  -  31 gen 2016
    questo e' il welfare che propone la sinistra italiana....pensa la destra!!
    Foto del profilo di european social bank (esb)
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    european social bank (esb)

    Condiviso pubblicamente  -  30 gen 2016

    Who is the political leader of the world's most liar 2015? - Greenreport: ecological economics and sustainable development Who is the political leader of the world's most liar 2015 ?. Surprises and confirmati...