!! tell us what we should do ?? think we need to consume to GDP and
waste resources ?? we have to buy the car and cycling ?? do save the
ecological collapse the GDP and to 'climb the spread to 800 .. ???
The knight speaks of the misuse of public spending ... but if for 20
years, and 'turned away parte..e in return got 50% of the frequencies
pubbliche..salvacondotti criminal fiscali..e more ...
Who we been in government for 20 years? Pure lega..che time ago the workhorse ...
Dear Prime Minister you went to anoint .con multibillion the wheel part
of the economic calendar which was not stuck., And starting the
grippaggio..non in the second stage .. and useless support those who
produce and those who have already .... when who should buy the product
... and 'unable to do so

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Decidetevi..un some say that you can not consume more as they once were
because resources are finite ... now consumes meno..il economic system
is supported on consumption ... instead of saving and research .., and '
normal that the GDP fall ....
We have to save resources or save the pil?
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Beautiful silhouettes unions ... for the salaries of state fire and
flames and the unemployed who do not receive a penny ... ... they do not
care ...
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